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Sway Them in Color

Mar 5, 2020

My relationship with my body and health is a complicated one. There are days where I feel strong, and curvy and sexy. I can kill an HIIT class. I’m at the top of intense spin classes on leaderboards. I can squat over 150 and-some change-pounds. But I have days where I weigh myself non-stop, grapple with every morsel that comes into my mouth, and beat myself up for not being whatever conventional idea of being “thin enough” and what defines healthy that day (which I’m sure 99.9% of people can relate to). We live in a system where health is an all or nothing conversation of punishment or morale failure, and it takes up so much of people's mental energy and vitality worrying about it. 

In this episode of Sway Them In Color I speak with fitness instructor and business owner Laci Chisholm who was inspired to create her dance company, Fit 4 Dance after having a major wake up call with a doctor about her health. We discuss how your interests in childhood can shed light on your career purpose, how to overcome self doubt, how a local library business plan competition helped her launch her company and how to take more risks, but also why you shouldn't just up and quit your job. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to turn around your health or turn your passion and personal problems into a tangible business, this is the episode to listen to.