Feb 7, 2020
Racism and racist are triggering words. Use the R word and people clutch their pearls and run for the “not me, I’m not one of them!” hills no matter how accurate the term is to describe their behavior. The issue with this word to is it's ineffective as it's been declawed by racists who don't want the consequences of the correct labeling of their behavior, but refuse to own the truth of their racist thinking and communicating.
In this episode I make a hilarious case for the power of words, why we should rebrand racism and dive into:
why the term racist hasn't been rebranded since 1935
5 recently made up terms that shut down conversation on racism that are damn effective, from the term "snowflake" to "social justice warrior (SJW)"
the wonderful, made up time of B.P.C -- Before Political Correctness
how I wish my "race card" was an Amex
why we can and should make up new words for the term racist and 3 new terms I created that gave me a deep belly laugh that people should causally start dropping in conversation when addressing racism
I also sing four part harmony for fun on the episode in honor of Black History Month.